Thought, by Jasper Yurigana.
All are nothing but me. The only reality is me. All external forces are unobservable, my ego is the only guide I can possibly know. An observation of another's thoughts would not be possible proof of another's thoughts, as it is all observed through my own, and if it were possible to swap minds, no proof could justify external thoughts, as my thoughts would then be that of the individual I had swapped with. The only possible reality that can be observed and verified is one's own. Refer to the quote. "I think, therefore I am.", and see that all but one's own existence are but myths to never be solved, as the act of thinking and reading this are enough proof of one's own mind, thoughts, and actions. However, the human desire to refute these claims are near esoteric, so if their reality happens to be true, neither can they confirm my existence as much as I cannot theirs. Thus, if one's own is the only, then all meaning created externally of one's own mind is meaningless and false. No morality but the morality of one's own can exist, if any. Thus, no other reality but the confirmable one has meaning, and all but myself are nothing. With this, there is no need to accept external morality. There is no "just right" or "just wrong", there are just observations and decisions, and if all but me exist, then only my interest and desires truly matter. To claim though, that I feel no love, no empathy, no guilt, is simply incorrect. All intentional actions are done with self-interest in mind. Even if the outcome is disastrous for yourself. I help another because it makes me feel good. I eat because it enables my survival, which makes me happy. The same way a sadist harms to feel good, or an infant teethes to soothe pain. All arguments against as such are done in the self interest of making a point, which in turn makes the individual making the argument happy with themselves, or at least with the unnoticed intention of doing as such. Ego is universal, but I have little to no reason to care about external ego unless it benefits my own. Art is an example. I do not create art to please or impress others. I create it to please myself. The opinions of others whether my art is art or not matters not to me, as I see na authority that they have to decide over my art. Another focus. love. I love because I have known it as an emotion that I feel which makes me happy if it is followed. All do the same as me in this case, or, for those who do feel love, as it would be irrational to say that one who does not feel love still possesses the motivator to do as such. The decisions about love are none but my own to make, as no other being can know how I love. The same applies to all, despite misguided motivations from unknowable gods or morals. Neither do I fear death, as death is just as adventurous as life is. If there is no afterlife, I will know not that I am dead, and thus could not care. If there is afterlife. it opens up a new life to explore, where my thoughts can be continued indefinitely. Neither are knowable for sure, which fuels the mystery of death itself, so there is no reason to fear the extinction of the self. To conclude it all, all that are not me are not my concern, and all that does not kill me does not control me. The observed world is mine to give meaning, and anything else is tyranny.
To relinquish all forms of morality by definition would relinquish all rights by default, as there would be zero basis for the rights to exist in the first place. However, along with the relinquishing of rights, there would also be relinquishment of all authority and government. Nobody has an inherent right to anything. Rights are myth, words made up by those in power to limit those who they control via making them feel like they are in power. If there is no right or wrong, then there surely cannot be any rights. In this case, only what is done is truly done with the self in mind. Those who have the mental and physical ability to know themselves can establish themselves beyond any moral restrictions, and those who chose to obey truly chose nothing about themselves. Those who establish themselves have realised that their destiny is theirs, and no else has the ability to control themselves truly. If one were to be able to directly control another, like mind control in a sci-fi book, then the original self would be dead, as that person before the mind control does not exist. If the observable reality was destroyed with no recollection or memory, then it might as well have never existed in the first place.
When the argument for self-observance is presented, following it is meaningless outside of one's own perspective and choice. But, there is no meaning. Meaning for all requires a grand purpose, but in the potentially limited existence of an individual, there is no beyond the grave or before birth, just what has been seen, which makes a grand purpose as meaningless as all else. All things done for myself are done with just that in mind, being for myself. Selfishness is often painted as the ultimate evil, disregarding others for an ulterior motive. But, in the case of which I am the only reality, being giving and altruistic becomes essentially pointless outside of benefiting one's own happiness. But regardless of meaning or not, the only thing that overpowers all but natural instinct is apathy, the one who cares not. One who cares not for another will not make most efforts to do as such, if any at all. One who cares not for their race will not indulge in raciality. Apathy with meaningless and amorality is not a possible change, as the individual has seen beyond illusions and no longer possess any desire to care for them. I am apathetic. Like stated, that which does not concern me is given none of my concern. All outside of my mind and what it has observed is nothing to me, as until it is witnessed, the act of knowing it is an impossibility. So why should I care for which affects me not and has no relation to me? Why do I have an "obligation" to do as such because of it being "just right"? I don't. My apathy is my strength. For if I don't care, that is all. I act like it does, or never has existed.